One-Liner Wednesday: R&B met Opera and my mind went BOOM.

James Brown, the Godfather of Soul, definitely had his personal issues. (Don't we all, though?) But, what cannot be disputed is the man was a pioneer in the music industry during very dangerous times, an influencer of several music genres, a true master of the stage during his heyday, and earned his Legend and Icon… Continue reading One-Liner Wednesday: R&B met Opera and my mind went BOOM.

One-Liner Wednesday — Ride the cow.

"When you ain't got a horse, you ride the cow." β€” NORMA MILLER, legendary Lindy hopper and the Queen of Swing, quoting her mother on how to get through the hard times I thought about my grandparents (born during the turn of the century) and my parents (growing up before Civil Rights) when I first… Continue reading One-Liner Wednesday — Ride the cow.